The gyms maybe shut but it doesn't stop us staying strong! Using body weight in this sequence to build core, shoulder, chest, arms, glutes and leg strength. Pretty much the whole body working here. A continuous sequence where we will hold 7 poses up to a minute each (do what you can, take rest when you need to). Variation on planks, locust, boat pose.
NB Its tough so one to repeat again and again to build your strength and stamina. So set your own timer and work up to a minute over time check your progress. If you can only hold for a 10 seconds with a good intelligent alignment at first thats great stay with that or move in and out of the pose with awareness to build it up. Always make sure wrists and, shoulders and lower back feel stable and supported, never stay in any pain/discomfort (that is the body telling you it needs something different or rest). Sensations in joint should always feel soft not sharp. Muscles may feel the burn and It may feel like 7 minutes to hell not heaven at first ;-) but work with it and notice the transformation!