About Yoga
The word Yoga comes from the sanskrit word “Yuj” meaning to yoke, join or unite. In Yoga this uniting refers to integrating all aspects of the individual –focusing on the body, mind and spirit to create harmony and unity and to bring about a more contented and balanced life. Yoga is an ancient practice; it is one of the oldest teachings and philosophies in the world that takes a holistic approach to the individual. However when the word yoga is mentioned, most people immediately think of some physical practices or asana (postures) for stretching and strengthening the body, but because of the holistic nature of yoga it includes so much more.
In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (which could be likened to a guidebook of classical, or raja yoga), written at least 1,700 years ago and is made up of 195 aphorisms (sutras) or words of wisdom, Yoga was divided into eight stages called the ‘eight limb path’. This text is considered a self help guide to consciously deal with the afflictions of the mind e.g. the ego, starting with basic rules of attitude and behaviour, that are favourable to achieving mental peace and ending with Samadhi or ‘self realisation’.
The eight limbs at a glance:
Yamas (social code - dealing with the world around)
Niyamas (personal code – dealing with yourself)
Asanas (postures- states of being - dealing with the body)
Pranayama (control of prana, life force - dealing with the breath)
Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses – dealing with the senses)
Dharana (concentration)
Dhyana (meditation)
Samadhi (self realisation – the absolute: inner freedom)
Although yoga is based on ancient knowledge its goals and benefits are as relevant today as they ever were, especially in today’s demanding and frantic world.
Whether it is used as part of a fitness programme, a form of treatment, as a spiritual experience or just for pleasure, there are plenty of reasons to take up Yoga.
Benefits of yoga
Increases vitality and energy
Improves strength, flexibility and stamina
Strengthens bones (reduces the risk of Osteoporosis)
Extending range of movement in joints
Boosts immune system
Reduces tension and pain
Increases blood flow and heart rate
Improves sleep
Improves body awareness
Improves concentration, focus and metal clarity
Boosts self esteem and confidence
Reduces stress and anxiety
Improves quality of life and mental well being
Promotes inner peace and contentment