Make this the year that you find more ease in both movement and being. Use this practice to drop into a felt sense of your body in movement and flow. To recognise where tensions are held, the parts of you that resist and through gentle repetitive mindful movements find a way to let go of what you are holding onto. A way that feels smooth, supportive and free. Challenge yourself to slow down and just be super aware of how your movements and body feel. When we move slowly we notice so much more and can start to listen to what it is we need to be at ease. Use your hands as much as you need to in the sit to kneeling or stand positions.
A caring back bending sequence where we will open the shoulders, chest, thoracic spine and hip flexors to enable a more comfortable back bending experience. Strengthening the spinal muscles and back body as well as opening the front body and especially the heart space. Allowing anything to arise from that space and holding it with a loving awareness.
We tend to carry and hold tension in the neck, shoulders and hips. This class will hep you identify where it is you are holding any tension; which can be in the form of stiffness, tightness, gripping, maybe some pain and help you to let go of that tension with gentle repetitive movement or deeper stretches. Please remember to work gently and mindfully when working into the more vulnerable joints such as the neck - moving with awareness and sensitivity, feeling into the stretch slowly. No fast erratic movements! Were trying to lose tension not create it! ;-)
Using fluid and wave like movements to find space and renewed openness in the spine. Taking the spine in all its functional ranges of motion: flexion, extension, side bending and rotation. Massaging, soothing and awakening the spine.
We need to have mobile but strong ankles and its important that we stand our feet on the earth properly for the health of the rest of the body. Learn how to look after your feet and to gain stability in the lower part of the body. To increase the sensory information in this region of the body so the rest of the body knows how to respond. It will improve your balance and posture.
If our core is strong and responsive its helps our pelvis and lower back to be aligned in their most natural position. In this short session will focus on the transverse adominis, the deeper lying core muscles and the erector spinae the spinal extensor muscles both of which help to stabilise the lower back. We will also work a series of muscles known as Multifidus in our 2 rounds of birddogs today, which are attached to the spinal column, and whilst its one of the smallest muscles it is also one of the most powerful muscles that gives support to your spine. Ready to build some heat??
Exploring the principles of forward folding poses and the quality of langhana energy (calming quieting energy) that forward folds evoke in the body and mind.
45 minute yoga flow session waking up the spine and refreshing the nervous system.
An outdoor short gentle yoga flow session working through a sun salutation and standing poses nice and slowly to tune into how the body feels as you move and stretch. If you can get outdoors on a nice day to do this then try. There's nothing better than doing Yoga alfresco!
Working gently up towards the peak pose of Dancer or Natarajasana a standing back-bending balance pose which opens the hips, chest and shoulders.
We need balance in our life and can only find balance if we are grounded and centred. Its important to find supportive and nourishing practices such as yoga and breath work to bring us back to our centre to find stability and balance in our life. Use this practice to bring yourself back into connection with your body and mind. Get grounded here and now.
Ease of being starts from within, this yoga class will help you unwind, release any tension you are holding onto and find some ease in this anxious time we find ourselves in. Rest whenever you need to, listen to your body and make sure your breath is always smooth and effortless as you practice.
Moment by moment awareness as you flow and move your body today. Exploring a kneeling flow working into the shoulders, the spine and core and then working up to and flowing into Garudasana eagle balance. Finishing with deep diaphragmatic breathing and 4,7,8 breathing to quieten your mind.
A short 15 minute sequence to say good morning to your body through dynamic stretching and opening movements. Including a progressive hamstring stretch called Sprinters pose into a modified triangle with rotation to mobilise your thoracic spine. Feel ready for your day!
A session to reset the pelvis and lower spine by both strengthening the stabilising muscles e.g. core and stretching the mobilising muscles e.g psoas that influence a tilt of the pelvis and therefore lower the back stability. Please work mindfully and listen to your body throughout the practice. Go very gently if you have lower back issues, but working though this session with awareness of your body and keeping the correct muscles switched on will help.
In the back extensions (legs out long) make sure you press through the pelvis as instructed and really engage the gluteal muscles and try turning your toes out and heels in for more gluteal activation. Coming out of any pose if your lower back feels any discomfort. Are you ready to re- energise?!
A slow and calming flow starting on the ground with some subtle movement and stretches and then making our way up to standing for Vedic breathing, a technique that helps to increase our lung capacity and soothes and quietens the mind. Concluding the practice with some spinal release movements and some nice forward folds to inspire relaxation.
Exploring Inversions in this class today starting with a brief introduction to their numerous benefits, what happens in the body as we take the head lower than the heart and important things to consider. Preparing the main areas of the body such as wrists, neck and shoulders which will do more weight bearing as we begin to move. Working through a series of milder inversions to explore this new base and how it feels to turn upside progressing to more intermediate inverted poses if it feels ok in the body. PLEASE NOTE the following counter indications, where you should not take full inversions such as shoulderstand/headstand or stay in milder inversions for long periods of time:
Heart Issues
Neck injuries
Eye issues eg glaucoma or detached retina
Learn how to prepare and fine tune your spinal muscles to be able to practice towards more deeper backbends (extension of the spine later on in the class. Starting very gently & keeping your cobras low but becoming aware of the muscles of your back body engaging to support and create the length in your front body.
Flowing in to crow balance through gates pose and kneeling lunge twisting triangles.
A flow class designed to strengthen and open the hips. Both of which are needed to support healthy functioning hips.
An energising yoga flow to find focus and direction. Can we create space in our body and presence in our mind to help focus on the opportunities available to us at this time e.g. the pace of life slowing down, being kinder to the environment, spending quality time with a loved one, reflecting on how we want to live and be as we come out the other side. Focusing on the positives will help us get through.
Using the practice today to turn towards that which you are grateful for. Creating space in body and mind to reflect on the abundance in your life and away from what you lack or can't do or achieve right now.
Working into the spine, shoulders, hips (psoas muscle ) and core with this short little sequence suitable for anytime of the day.
Suitable for beginners or those who prefer a slower more mindful class. Includes a Spirit Salute to awaken your spirit and energy for Springtime.
A short fluid flow session to ground you in the present moment. Working into the hips, spine, core and legs through a grounding floor sequence and standing warrior flow. You'll twist, sidebend, and stand strong in your warriors.
Lengthen out with this post run stretchy flow session lengthening the spine, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors and gluteal muscles. Suitable for after other forms of exercise also.
When our load or vulnerabilities increase our resources need to increase also, to enable us to stay grounded, safe and energised. Using this practice to consider how much support are you offering yourself right now. Finding the appropriate support in your practice today but using this self enquiry on a deeper level to consider how supportive are you of yourself off your mat. Are you on your own side often? Is your inner dialogue one of love, trust and compassion? Are you getting the support you need from yourself or others in order to be the best version of yourself?
Moving the body through a series of forward folds today towards our peak pose 'Parsvottonasana' Intense Side stretch or 'Flank' pose. Which opens the hamstrings and strengthens the spine. You can use a yoga block or a hardback book to support you in this peak pose today.
Connecting more deeply with yourself and with the world around us. We begin by lying down connecting deeply with the body through subtle mindful movements and then we explore with our bodies with more expressive and flowing movements to connect with the moment.
A gentle flow suitable for beginners or for those who want a more gentle flow, designed to open and strengthen the side body.
A flowing yoga class heating the body for backbends which open the hearts space encouraging the heart qualities of love, kindness and compassion to more easily flow. Backbends are energising, uplifting and strengthening for the back body. Take care to move into them gently with awareness and ease off if any compression is felt in the spine. So we compassionately back bending.