The Yamas & Niyamas

The first two limbs of Patanjalis Eight-Limb Path of Yoga. The Yamas, also thought of as ‘inner restraints’ help us to deal with our relationship with others and the world around us and include non-violence, truthfulness and moderation. The Niyamas, are 5 observances or rules of conduct by which we should live our lives to help us have a healthy relationship with ourself. These include contentment, self discipline, self-study or self-refection. Here are a collection of yoga classes exploring these themes. More to follow…

The first of a series of classes focusing on the Yamas and Niyamas or ethical precepts from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. A set of guidelines that help us live with more freedom and peace. Yamas refer to as 'abstinences' and Ahimsa is the first of the yamas and viewed as the most important as it translates to 'non violence" or non harm to self or others. In this class we will contemplate this Yama practising with a non harming attitude, reflecting on where in our life we can be kinder and more respectful in thought, word and deed. Remembering everything we learn on the mat can be taken off the mat and into our lives.

Using our practice to explore Satya, the second of Patanjali's Yama's or ethical and moral guidelines for healthy and peaceful living. Satya translates 'true essence' or 'true nature'. Reflecting on whether we live our lives with truthfulness, honesty, sincerity and integrity towards ourselves and others.

Exploring Patanjali’s third Yama in our practice today ‘Asteya’ or ‘Non Stealing’. Not just in terms of Material things but things like time and awareness. How this inner restraint as Pantanjali refers to the Yamas can help us live our life from a place of abundance rather than scarcity. In our practice we will consider what we might steal away from ourselves such as our conscious breath, presence and embodied movement. Using our practice and the reflection time and space it gives us to consider what we might unconsciously steal away in our lives or from others.

Brahmacharya Yama session

Exploring Patanjalis 4th Yama from the Yoga Sutras Brahmacharya, or the right use of our energy. Using your practice today to explore whether you are using your energy wisely in a way that serves you best e.g. when you might use too much energy to come into a pose or to move into a development of a pose before you are ready. Or alternatively not enough energy maybe in terms of focus or the breath to keep you motivated or present in poses. The practice will also offer moments of reflection for you to contemplate how you use your energy in your life. What depletes you and what fills you up. Helping you discover an intelligent use of your energy.