Ever wanted to practice headstand but not sure how to get there. This series is for you. We'll approach Headstand or Salamba Sirshasana with a beginners mind and with much integrity. We have to take it slowly and carefully. This inversion needs sufficient strength in the neck, shoulders, core and mobile hamstrings.
In this first class we'll warm up those parts of the body and check in, see where we are at in terms of strength and begin to explore our foundations - the most important part of headstand. This class can be used as a warm up class each time you want to visit headstand, prepping the body sufficiently in order to arrive in headstand safely, intelligently and with presence. Please make sure you stay with these early stages of headstand until you feel strong enough, stable enough before you move on to subsequent classes/stages. In other words until your foundation feels stable and tension free and so that your weight is hardly taken by your head.
NB Headstand isn't suitable for everyone, so please seek medical advice before practising. Please avoid if you have neck issues, back problems, high blood pressure or heart conditions or eye disorders.